American Megafauna

Sixteen thousand years ago on the misty North American continent, before man ever set foot upon her shores, there lived creatures the likes of which you can scarcely imagine. Giants they were, not in the image of you or I, but in fact beasts so mighty the ground shook with each thundering step they took. They were Mammoths with tusks like the branches of an oak, sloths as tall as buildings; saber tooth tigers and giant short-faced bears prowled alongside other lords of the American landscape with none daring to challenge them. But then they arrived, the mammoth hunters, carrying with them stone weapons and souls blackened by fire. They spread across the land like a great flood, hunting, logging, destroying all they encountered until even the American Megafauna, masters of their realm, fell prey to the guile of the ape-men, and were erased from the world. But one remained to preserve their proud legacy, the humble moose. Our songs are their revenge. We are American Megafauna.